
Vanity vs. Confidence

Many people think of plastic surgery as a vain move. After all, you’re going under the knife to reshape your body and change its appearance. While this is true, it is an entirely too narrow view of the situation.

If you undergo liposuction, body contouring or other such procedure, you will emerge with a changed body and remarkable after pictures. At that stage in the game, it’s perfectly normal to be a bit vain since you’ve spent time, money, and effort working hard to maximize your results. You really should go ahead and gloat. You look wonderful and you’ve been through a lot to get where you are.

Once this kind of honeymoon period wears off, however, the longer-term benefits of your procedure will become increasingly evident. Depending on the procedure you’ve had, your body may more easily or comfortably move in addition to improved appearance. Looking and feeling better have the potential to dramatically improve your self-confidence. 

While confidence is often mistakenly confused with vanity, it is a completely different entity. While being vain and being confident both originate from the mind, vanity often has very little or any basis in reality. Confidence, however, typically arises from experience. A good example of this is strength building. Beginning strength trainers start with relatively light weights. After consistently repeating exercises for weeks or months at a time, they can lift heavier weights and often notice they have more muscle tone and are able to complete routine household tasks more easily. This progress is a powerful part of building confidence. 

While looking better after a procedure will not always guarantee more fluid or graceful movement, it often increases body confidence. This, in turn, makes it easier for many people to attempt fitness programs and other feats that involve proudly moving or otherwise displaying the body in public venues. It is this increased willingness to work toward such personal goals that often stems from liposuction and other plastic surgery procedures that inspires individuals to do their best, experience progress, and build self-confidence. 

We would love to make your dreams come true. Give us a call today and we’ll be happy to discuss liposuction, body contouring, and other options for enhancing the look, feel, and perform of your body.