Liposuction Candidate

How to Know You’re the Perfect Liposuction Candidate

Liposuction is an effective method of removing fat cells from different parts of the body through an invasive procedure that can reduce your size. With the help of a plastic surgeon, you can shed excess weight by removing unresponsive fat cells. If you’re considering undergoing the procedure and improving your appearance, there are a few factors that determine if you’re the perfect liposuction candidate.

You’re at a Healthy Weight

It’s important that you’re at a healthy or comfortable weight before undergoing liposuction. You should be 30 percent of your ideal weight and have elastic skin with good muscle tone to avoid contour irregularities.

Candidates will also need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and should not be suffering from any illnesses or medical conditions that can increase your risk of complications.

Most liposuction candidates are disproportionate and have excess fat in a specific area due to hereditary factors.

You Have Realistic Expectations

Candidates will need to understand that liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure that will transform their image. Instead, it is used to change specific areas of the body that have excess fat. It is not a means for major weight loss, and the results are not always drastic.

You Struggle with an Area of Fat on the Body

Liposuction is effective on areas of the body that do not respond to diet and exercise. You may have tried spending time doing specific exercises without seeing a reduction in your arms, thighs, or tummy. Other areas of the body where liposuction can be used include under the arms, male chest, waist, trunk abdomen, ankles, and calves. You may be interested in changing the contours of your body, which makes liposuction an ideal option. The procedure will resculpt isolated areas of fat to reduce inches off of your frame.

You Have Time for the Recovery Process

The outpatient procedure has a recovery process that is relatively quick. Most patients can return to work after a week of undergoing liposuction. It’s important that you have the time to rest at home and avoid strenuous activities to ensure that the incisions heal properly. You can expect bruising, swelling, and sore areas on the body in the weeks following the procedure.

Compression garments are necessary to help the skin adhere. Pain medication is also provided to each patient during the recovery process. After 10 days, the compression garment can be removed while showering.

If you think you’re the perfect liposuction candidate and are ready for a new you, give us a call today.