SculpSure, How It Works
So, you may be wondering exactly how SculpSure works. SculpSure has a high affinity for targeting fat cells as SculpSure is attracted to the water in the fat cell. SculpSure is only minimally attracted to brown or red pigment in the tissues above and below the fat layer. The laser penetrates to 3 cm, but will not damage the muscle in areas where the fat is under 3 cm. SculpSure is safe for all skin types.
SculpSure can use up to 4 applications at a time. All 4 SculpSure applicators are typically strapped to the body over the targeted fat pocket(s). Each treatment is customized to the patients’ body with the 4 applicators placed all on one area, say the lower abdomen, or divided among 2 or more areas.
During the first 4 minutes, the fat is gradually brought up to therapeutic temperature (42 to 47 Celsius). The patient is asked to rate their heat sensation, using a 1 to 4 scale, with 1 = cool, 2 = warm, 3 = deeply warm and tingly, and 4 = hot. I have added 4+ = TOO HOT, turn it down! The clinician can turn the SculpSure settings up or down, depending upon patient tolerance. During the treatment, the SculpSure applicators constantly produce a cooling effect to protect the skin from burns.
Over the next 21 minutes, the applicators deliver 20 second intervals of heat, followed by 10 seconds of no heat. The short periods without heat help to make the treatment very tolerable, and the period without heat can be extended to give the patient a break if needed. During SculpSure, the patient should be kept comfortable, with the adipose tissue as hot as can be tolerated. Because cooling from the applicator keeps the top 1-1.5 cm of fat from heating up, the superficial fat is not affected by the laser. This is why patients with only a very thin layer of fat will not have an effective treatment.
During the treatment, the heat distribution resembles an upside down mushroom. The heat penetrates downward, and spreads out laterally up to 5 cm beyond the edge of the applicator, with the fat temperature gradually reducing. As a result of this heat distribution pattern, SculpSure produces smooth results without visible “shelving” often seen with CoolScupt. Some fat cells are immediately destroyed. Subsequently, additional damaged fat cells die off over the next couple weeks.
MRI and Ultrasound studies reported show an average 21-24% (± 9) reduction of the thickness of the fat layer at 6 and 12 weeks post treatment.*
-Michele Horwich, RN
*Based on single treatment with an average reduction in fat volume as measured by MRI; Clinical and Histological Evaluations of a 1060nm Laser Device for Non-Invasive Fat Reduction, John W. Decorato, M.D., FACS. Rafael Sierra, Ph.D., Bo Chen, Ph.D., Westford, MA, 2014.
- SculpSure, How It Works - January 19, 2017
- SculpSure, General Information - January 19, 2017