Sculpsure Citations

  • Stubborn fat1-3
  • Destroy Fat4
  • 12 weeks2,3
  • Proven Results2
  1. Single treatment of average reduction in fat volume as measured by MRI; Clinical and Histological Evaluations of a 1060nm Laser Device for Non-Invasive Fat Reduction – John W. Decorato, MD., F A C S. Rafael Sierra, Ph.D., Bo Chen, Ph.D., Westford, MA, 2014.
  2. Katz B, Doherty S. A multicenter study of the safety and efficacy of a non-invasive 1060 nm diode laser for fat reduction of the flanks. Paper presented at: 2015 Annual American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Conference; April 22-26; Kissimmee, FL.
  3. Average patient discomfort rating of 3.7 on a scale of 1-10; Bass L, Doherty S. Non- Invasive Fat Reduction Of The Abdomen With A 1060nm Diode Laser.Paper presented at: 2015 Annual American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Conference; April 22- 26; Kissimmee, FL.
  4. Temperature reached during treatment (42-47oC) necessary to damage structural integrity of cell membranes leading to delayed adipocyte death(a, b, c)
    1. Moussa N, Tell E, Cravalho E. Time progression of hemolysis or erythrocyte populations exposed to supraphysiologic temperatures.” J Biomech Eng 1979, 101:213-217.
    2. Gaylor, DC. “Physical mechanism of celluar injury in electrical trauma” Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ph. D. Dissertation. (1989).
    3. Franco W et al. “Hyperthermic injury to adipocyte cells by selective heating of subcutaneous fat with a novel radiofrequency device: Feasibility studies.” Lasers Surg. Med. 2010, 42:361-370