Sculpsure Citations
- Stubborn fat1-3
- Destroy Fat4
- 12 weeks2,3
- Proven Results2
- Single treatment of average reduction in fat volume as measured by MRI; Clinical and Histological Evaluations of a 1060nm Laser Device for Non-Invasive Fat Reduction – John W. Decorato, MD., F A C S. Rafael Sierra, Ph.D., Bo Chen, Ph.D., Westford, MA, 2014.
- Katz B, Doherty S. A multicenter study of the safety and efficacy of a non-invasive 1060 nm diode laser for fat reduction of the flanks. Paper presented at: 2015 Annual American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Conference; April 22-26; Kissimmee, FL.
- Average patient discomfort rating of 3.7 on a scale of 1-10; Bass L, Doherty S. Non- Invasive Fat Reduction Of The Abdomen With A 1060nm Diode Laser.Paper presented at: 2015 Annual American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Conference; April 22- 26; Kissimmee, FL.
- Temperature reached during treatment (42-47oC) necessary to damage structural integrity of cell membranes leading to delayed adipocyte death(a, b, c)
- Moussa N, Tell E, Cravalho E. Time progression of hemolysis or erythrocyte populations exposed to supraphysiologic temperatures.” J Biomech Eng 1979, 101:213-217.
- Gaylor, DC. “Physical mechanism of celluar injury in electrical trauma” Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ph. D. Dissertation. (1989).
- Franco W et al. “Hyperthermic injury to adipocyte cells by selective heating of subcutaneous fat with a novel radiofrequency device: Feasibility studies.” Lasers Surg. Med. 2010, 42:361-370