Scarless Breast Reduction Photos & Patient Testimonials

65-year-old Female Bilateral Scarless Breast Reduction
“I was referred to Dr. Jeffrey Klein by my doctor who personally told me that if she were to have liposuction she would travel to have it done by Dr. Jeffrey Klein. In addition, my doctor shared that Dr. Klein has trained many doctors in the USA and those doctors who have traveled abroad. My results from my breast reduction are excellent and my recovery was as easy as taking only Tylenol. I was able to return to my normal activities in less than a week. Thank you Dr. Klein”. CF
Procedure: Bilateral Breast Reduction
Age at the time of the surgery: 65
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’2”, 132 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: 400ml or .88 pounds

71-year-old Female Bilateral Scarless Breast Reduction
Procedure: Bilateral breast reduction
Age at the time of surgery: 71
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’8”, 199 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: 1275ml or 2.81 pounds

54-year-old Female Bilateral Scarless Breast Reduction
Procedure: Bilateral breast reduction
Age at the time of the surgery: 54

60-year-old Female Bilateral Scarless Breast Reduction
Procedure: Bilateral Breast Reduction
Age at the time of surgery: 60
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’6”, 177 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: 1430ml or 3.15 pounds

65-year-old Female Bilateral Scarless Breast Reduction
Testimonial: “The breast reduction procedure went very smooth with little discomfort. Dr. Jeffrey Klein was accurate when it came to gauging what cup size I wanted. I began the surgery with a DD and ended with a C cup as I wished for. The healing of the procedure was excellent and quick”. MC
Procedure: Bilateral Breast Reduction
Age at the time of surgery: 65
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’6”, 140 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: 360ml or .79 pounds

69-year-old Female Unilateral Scarless Breast Reduction
Procedure:Unilateral breast reduction, Right Breast Only
Lumpectomy and radiation to left breast
Age at the time of surgery: 69
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’4 pounds 141 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: right breast 550ml
Change in Cup Size: No size change but more symmetrical

77-year-old female bilateral scarless breast reduction
Testimonial: “I love my breast reduction results and would have the tumescent breast reduction again”. SG
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’5”, 166 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: 1340ml or 2.95 pounds

65-year-old female had bilateral scarless breast reduction and a touch up at 69 years old
Testimonial: “I chose to have the breast reduction under local anesthesia because I had should and neck pain which resolved after my surgery. The tumescent infiltration of the local anesthesia was painless and the surgery was nearly painless”. LH
Procedure: Bilateral breast reduction
Age at the time of the surgery: 65
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’1”, 124 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: 770ml or 1.69 pounds
Procedure: Unilateral right breast reduction touch up
Age at the time of surgery: 68
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’1”, 128 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: 100ml or .22 pounds

45-year-old female had bilateral scarless breast reduction
Testimonial: “ Prior to my breast reduction I would see my chiropractor 1 to 2 days a week for shoulder and neck pain. After my breast reduction I no longer have pain and don’t need to see my chiropractor. I am able to sleep better at night now that I don’t have neck pain. I am noticing an improvement in my areola size which I was not expecting. My areola size is becoming smaller while I am healing which is something I am very happy with. After my post appointment, I noticed a dramatic change in the inner line between my breast were shorter than before. I wish I had done this much sooner in life and would recommend to anyone wanting breast reduction”. WJ
Procedure: Bilateral Breast Reduction
Ht/Wt at the time of surgery: 5’8 200 lbs
Amount of fat removed: right breast 287ml , left breast 293ml
Change in cup size: F to DD
Age at the time of surgery: 45

52-year-old female had bilateral scarless breast reduction
Testimonial: “I wish I had the scar less breast reduction sooner, my clothes fit better and I now can exercise easier” LA
Procedure: Bilateral breast reduction
Age at the time of her surgery: 52
Ht/Wt at time of surgery: 5’4”, 148 pounds
Amount of Fat Removed: 775ml or 1.7 pounds
Change in Cup Size: DD to D